Music Teams

Worship through music and song is very important to us and we believe our Lord loves to hear our voices and musical gifts and talents.

We have a couple of pianists and guitarists, a mandolin, drummer and number of vocalists. We always welcome newcomers, those who would like to just have a go, and those who are enthusiastic musicians seeking to encourage joyful worship within a team of volunteers. The Men’s Choir also leads worship once every couple of months and during special events like baptisms.

Everyone on a music team has access to the songs, chosen prior to the service, through the rostering system available on the Elvanto website. This allows people to practice prior to the service if they wish. The music team for the 9:30am service will arrive at 8:30am to practice beforehand.

As we gain new music to use during services, they are added to the system and can be accessed from any computer or device by team members. All our songs are recorded with CCLI to maintain copyright regulations. We’ve also begun to add video clips to some songs which can be used during both the morning and evening services if desired.

For further information speak to Karen, or any of the Muso’s or vocalists!