What to Expect

  • Visitors are welcomed on arrival and invited to stay for morning tea afterwards.
  • Our services are contemporary, with a combination of songs, prayers, bible readings,
    and Sermon emphasising God’s Grace.
  • Services in the morning start at 9.30 am and finish approx. 10.40 am.
  • Evening Service starts at 5.00pm and concludes within the hour. This is a more reflective style of worship.
  • Every second Sunday of the month is Dinner Church. We share a light meal around a table, followed with communion.  
  • Communion is celebrated at both services on 3rd Sunday of each month. All are invited to the Lord’s table. On coming forward you are given fresh bread, which you then dip into either wine or grape juice, which is symbolic of Christ’s gift of himself and eaten in remembrance of Him and the grace of God. We have gluten free crackers in place of bread for those with dietary requirements.
  • Dress for comfort in casual attire.
  • We stand to sing (if you are able) and sit to pray.
  • Our seating is comfortable and our sanctuary is air-conditioned.
  • Sunday school Phonics is on in the Wriggles Room beside the sanctuary, for children and interested parents. This is an exciting new program running during the sermon.
  • To support the ministry of Tamworth Southside financially, can we encourage you to set up direct deposit to Tamworth Southside Uniting Church Account BSB 634 634
    Account No. 100021648.  If you don’t have these facilities may I encourage you to put aside your weekly offering or deliver to the Southside Church Office Tuesday mornings 9.30—12.00